Monday, January 25, 2010

Pretty Cool Cat

So i chatted to my friend phil as usual last night. And we just had a normal conversation till this bit of it. I pretty much copied this directly out of the msn window

Tommy says:
hey can i ask you a question
Phil says:
Sure thing ^^
Tommy says:
you have to answer honestly
but how do you think of me?
honest answer remember
Phil says:
You think I don't always answer honestly? =/
Tommy says:
well i'm sure you do
Phil says:
Haha, I do >.<. Lying is a sin. When people sin, baby Jesus cries .
Tommy says:
Phil says:
Well, metaphorical baby Jesus cries xD.
And I've told you! I think you're a pretty cool cat >.<
Tommy says:
yes i know that
god this is going to sound stupid
do you think of me as a friend?
or what
Phil says:
Yeah man. We're mates =].
Why - don't you?
Tommy says:
i do
i was just curious
as to wat your thoughts were
Phil says:
Haha, I know you wouldn't have said 'I do' if I didn't xD.
Which is why you asked. The safer option ^^
Tommy says:
Phil says:
Safer than proclamation, I mean
Tommy says:
i do think of you as a friend
Phil says:
Haha, excellent .
Tommy says:
Phil says:
Haha, yeah man.
TommyMannuem says:

Phil says:
I like it how you didn't really protest what I just said xD.
I know your games.
Tommy says:
what games
Phil says:
Haha, well not 'games' as such.
Tommy says:
Phil says:
But I'm sure you get my drift >.<
TommyMannuem says:
not really

i suck at reading signals remember
kinda why i asked

Phil says:
Haha, nah man. I reckon you're craftier than you are letting on at the moment xD.
Tommy says:
how so
Phil says:
In many different ways.
Which I shall not elaborate on, for you are aware of them too xD.
Tommy says:

sorry if that was awkward
Phil says:
Haha, nah man! That's perfectly fine, hey!
In all honesty, I don't know if I've made my mind up >.<
Tommy says:
me either
Phil says:
See, I was totally right just then xD.
Tommy says:
now i feel stupid
Phil says:
That's okay, man. I know you like me. I just have to decide whether the feeling's mutual, is all.
Tommy says:
well i like you
but i dont know how much
if that makes sense
wait how do you know i like you
Phil says:
It's pretty obvious >.<
Tommy says:
Phil says:
Yeah man.
I can tell xD.
Tommy says:
so i can hide things better
Phil says:
Haha, some things you just can't hide.
Or maybe I'm incredibly intuitive?
Tommy says:
Phil says:
Nah, I am when I'm looking for something. And I was conscious of that, so yeah.
Tommy says:
so you were looking for something?
Phil says:
That was a bad choice of words.
Tommy says:
Phil says:
Ummmmmm. When I'm conscious of someone who might be hiding something.
Tommy says:
we can change the topic if you want
Phil says:
Haha, it's cool, man ^^
I'm not as uncomfortable as you are, I bet xD.
Tommy says:
i really suck at this stuff
Phil says:
Haha, I know .
But you have other strengths, so all is well =]
Tommy says:
thanks i guess
HOMG i just realised that you agreed with me sucking

Phil says:
Haha, get your mind out of the gutter! xD
Tommy says:
you get your mindout of the gutter
i was talking about me sucking with guys
i mean dealing with guys and talking to them
and stuff
god i suck

Phil says:
Haha, you ain't foolin' nobody, G.
Tommy says:
apparently not
you're just to smart for me
Phil says:
Lol, sif. You're doing engineering. I'm doing education. I think that that means you're smarter xD.
Tommy says:
yeah but i've failed some things
ad you're much better at social things than i am
Phil says:
Haha, well I have to be a teacher, you're forgetting. And teachers MUST be sociable creatures ^^
Engineers - not so much.
Tommy says:
i guess
now you're the one being coy

Phil says:
Haha, how was that coy?!
Tommy says:
you totally are
i not that stupid
even i can tell you are being coy
Phil says:
That doesn't make sense!
Tell me EXACTLY where I was being coy?
And I didn't call you coy xD. Or even imply it, for that
matter ^^
At least, I don't think I did? =/
Tommy says:
well you kinda did with the playing games comment
but anyways
i feel really stupid now
maybe we should change the topic
Phil says:
LOL! That wasn't being coy! That was totes being like... mysterious and subtle.
Tommy says:
what do you think coy is
isn't that coy
Phil says:
Coy means shy xD.
Tommy says:

Phil says:
LOL! You're such a dork ^^
Tommy says:
you are

Phil says:
TommyMannuem says:
Phil says:
I'm PRETTY SURE you're wrong xD.
Tommy says:
i know you are you said you se but what am i
wow!! that wasimmature
Phil says:
Indeed it was ^^
Tommy says:
how about a new topic
Phil says:
Sure thing xD.
Tommy says:
i think i've made this awkward eough for tonight
Phil says:
Haha, I'm not awkward at all, man .
Tommy says:
you're not awkward
the conversation was a little awkward
Phil says:
Perhaps it was. I didn't find it overly awkward, though xD.
So yeah, when's this movie night thing happening?

So the convo continued for quite a bit after that but that bit didn't really help me. I still dont know how he feels about me. And i still dont know how i feel about him. Alright so i might have given my thoughts away a bit when i took my shirt off in front of him. But yeah. Maybe we'll work things out by our movie night. Maybe he'll make the first move on me, considering he knows that i am practically incapable of making the first move.


  1. I mean he atleast seems a bit intrigued by the sound of it.

    Kepp it real


  2. he is deff in control and might wana kiss too. 90% sure i promise... bc i know you hope so. this convo is so easy to decipher.


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